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Adjunct associate professor, Digitalization

We seek an expert to educate future data scientists on ethical and responsible digitalization.

NMBUÅs13. mai 2024
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Dr Martin Thomas Horsch

Acting head of department


The Department of Data Science at the faculty of Science and Technology (REALTEK), has a vacant position as Adjunct associate professor within ethical and legal aspects of responsible and trustworthy digitalization. The position is 20% (fixed term) and limited to four years.

At REALTEK, you will meet highly motivated students and a vibrant research environment in applied data science, ranging from material theory and informatics and biomedical imaging via process control and robotics to business analytics. We also train engineers across a wide range of fields and high school teachers.

We are looking for a candidate to develop and teach courses which introduce students to the ethical and legal aspects of managing and analyzing data, covering ethical and societal aspects of data science such as the balance of privacy, rights and informational self-determination of the individual vs companies and institutions, and regulatory and legal aspects of data science with a focus on Norwegian and European law.

We also expect you to share your expertise with researchers in data science and related fields to increase ethical reflection and legal compliance within our research projects and to provide guidance to master students.

For details about NMBU, the Faculty of Science and Technology, the Department of Data Science, please see the faculty website https://www.nmbu.no/en/faculties/science-and-technology

Main tasks

  • Develop and teach courses on ethical and social as well as legal and regulatory aspects of data science
  • Provide guidance to master and doctoral students.


Required academic qualifications:

  • Doctoral degree within a field closely related to the position’s domain (ethical and legal aspects of responsible and trustworthy digitalization), either obtained in Norway or recognized as equivalent to a doctorate obtained in Norway, or alternatively, competency at a corresponding level, documented by scientific work of commensurate quantity and quality.
  • Record of academic publications within the position’s domain.
  • The ability and desire to teach.

The following experiences and skills (i.e., desirable qualifications) will be emphasized:

  • Teaching experience in academia, preferably formal training in university pedagogics (you can pursue such training while at NMBU)
  • Ability and interest to introduce IPR law and practice as part of a course.
  • Experience (e.g., as consultant to industry stakeholders) on the topic of industrial ethics.
  • Background in both the engineering/mathematical sciences and humanities, ideally with an academic degree (bachelor, master, or doctorate) from within each category of disciplines.
  • Experience with regulatory boundary conditions applying to Norway and Norwegian law.
  • Background in the formalization and/or certification of properties related to reliability and explainability, trust and trustworthiness, responsible agency, or comparable properties.
  • Involvement in policymaking and advice to regulatory bodies, specially at the European level, or experience working with standardization bodies and standardization processes.

Required language skills:

  • Excellent spoken and written English
  • Fluency in Norwegian, Swedish or Danish is an advantage

Required personal skills:

  • Ability to engage students and colleagues.

Personal suitability for the position will be emphasized.

Remuneration and further information

The position is placed in government pay scale position code 1011 Associate Professor, salary grade 68-80 (NOK 667 700 to 870 900 per full-time equivalent), depending on qualifications. Seniority Promotion in position.

  • Pursuant to the Personal Data Act, we hereby notify you that a list of applicants will be available to the public and that the report of the expert committee will be sent to all applicants.
  • The engagement is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants, and the acts relating to Control of the Export of Strategic Goods, Services and Technology. Candidates who by assessment of their application are seen to conflict with the criteria in the latter law cannot be recruited by NMBU.

For further information, please contact Dr Martin Thomas Horsch, acting head of department, e-mail: martin.thomas.horsch@nmbu.no; phone +47 4651 9766.

General Information to applicants


To apply online for this vacancy, please click on the 'Apply for this job' button above. This will route you to the University's Web Recruitment System, where you will need to register an account (if you have not already) and log in before completing the online application form.

Application deadline: 13.05.2024

Your CV must be entered in JobbNorge's CV form and not just included as an attachment. This is to be able to comply with the regulations of §15 of the Public Administration Act.

Applicants invited for an interview will be asked to present verified copies of diplomas and certificates.

Your application must contain

  • an application letter describing your motivation for and suitability to the position
  • a CV including a list of publications
  • a description of your academic teaching experience, preferably according to NMBUs guidelines
  • sketches of courses you would like to develop and teach
  • up to ten publications including a description of your contribution to multi-author papers

About The Faculty of Science and Technology

The Faculty of Science and Technology (REALTEK) develops research-based knowledge and educates civil engineers and lecturers needed to reach the UN's sustainability goals. We have approximately 150 employees, 70 PhD students and soon 1500 students. The education and research at REALTEK cover a broad spectrum of disciplines.

This includes data science, mechanics and process engineering, robotics, construction and architecture, industrial economics, environmental physics and renewable energy, geomatics, water and environmental engineering, applied mathematics as well as secondary school teacher education in natural sciences and use of natural resources such as in agriculture, forestry and aquaculture. The workplace is in Ås, 30 km from Oslo.

What is it really like to work at the Faculty of Science and Technology (REALTEK) at NMBU?

- Guided tour of the Faculty of Science and Technology on Vimeo

Place of service: Universitetstunet 3, 1430 Ås

Scope: Fixed percentage (20%)


Frist13. mai 2024


Dr Martin Thomas Horsch

Acting head of department




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The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)

NMBU will contribute to securing the future of life through outstanding research, education, communication and innovation. We have the country's most satisfied university students, who receive research-based education in a unique student environment. Our graduates gain a high level of competence in interdisciplinary collaboration and are popular in the labor market. NMBU has internationally leading research environments in several subjects. Together with our partners in society and business, we contribute to solving some of the biggest societal challenges of our time.

We focus on innovation, communication and entrepreneurship because we believe these challenges are best solved with joint efforts. We believe that a good working environment is characterized by diversity.If necessary, workplace adaptations will be made for persons with disabilities. More information about NMBU is available at www.nmbu.no/en