
Stillinger hos Institutt for Energiteknikk (IFE)

Institutt for Energiteknikk (IFE)

Research for a better future

IFE conducts research for a better future. Since 1948, we have been a frontrunner in international energy research. We contribute to new solutions in renewable energy, petroleum and industry. We develop zero-emission transport solutions, digital systems and ground-breaking cancer medicine. IFE develops new solutions for the industry and public sector in over 30 countries. IFE is host to the international OECD NEA Halden Projects. We are about 650 employees and the annual turnover is about NOK 1 billion.

Read more about IFE at www.ife.no/en

Telefon:+47 63 80 60 00
Besøksadresse:Instituttveien 18, 2007, Kjeller

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